Dr Ian Sibley-Calder MB,BS,Dip.Occ.Med.
Occupational Health Physician: HSE Diving medicals, CAA Class 1+2 Aviation Medicals, LAPL medicals, CAA UK Cabin Crew Medicals.
Cabin Crew Medicals
Now that we have left EASA, I can only undertake CAA UK cabin Crew medicals. I cannot undertake EASA cabin crew medicals (usually for Ryan Air). Please check with your airline before approaching me for a medical.
You will need to access an AME that can undertake EASA Medicals.
Cabin Crew Medicals
Minimum requirements
Cabin crew members must be in good health and free from any physical or mental illness which might lead to incapacitation or an inability to perform cabin crew duties.
Operators are permitted to decide whether cabin crew medical assessments are conducted by examination or by assessment. The medical requirements which should be assessed are detailed in AMC OPS 1.995(a)(2).
The initial medical examination or assessment and any re-assessment of cabin crew members should be conducted by, or under the supervision of, a medical practitioner who has received training in aviation medicine and is fully aware of the occupational requirements of the work of cabin crew.
The content of and procedures for the examination or assessments should be determined through consultation between the operator and the medical practitioner.
The operator should maintain a medical record for each crew member.
Crew members must also have:
normal cardiorespiratory function;
normal central nervous system;
adequate visual acuity 6/9 with or without glasses;
adequate hearing; and
normal function of ear, nose and throat.
Cabin crew members who receive an assessment are required to complete a medical assessment form:
A hearing test will be required for all initial applications, and an ECG for all those over aged 40
The Initial Medical Questionnaire can be found here.
The periodic Medical Questionnaire can be found here.
Details of the medical and what is looked for can be found on the CAA website: Click here.
Frequency of assessments
The maximum permitted interval between regular medical examinations or assessments is five years.
More frequent medical examinations or assessments may be appropriate in certain circumstances such as single cabin crew operations.
Additional medical examinations or assessments may be necessary in the event of:
a crew member returning to work following a prolonged period of illness.
doubt about the continued fitness of a cabin crew member.
Decrease in Medical Fitness
Details can be found on the CAA website - click here
Chaperone Policy
Any person of either sex can either bring or ask for provision of a chaperone to be present during the medical examination. If you would like one provided, please mention at time of booking as it might be difficult to provide at short notice.
The medical does not involve any intimate examination other than the undertaking of the ECG which would require access to the chest for the placement of electrodes